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1 Days 11 Hours 51 Min

Jul 28, 2024

Quantico Shooting Club July PRS


1 Robert Brantley LA 290.839
2 Chris Simmons NC 290.816
3 Zack L NC 289.610
4 Jim Coombe VA 289.474
5 Tommy Tinsley MS 288.173
6 Tommy Goodson SC 277.597
7 Peter Laurvick NC 274.839
8 Travis Pomp NC 273.075
9 Austin Watson SC 272.975
10 Jonathan Gurley NC 269.244
11 Jeff Dennison NC 268.626
12 Coker Metcalf NC 266.309
13 Buck Wiles NC 263.569
14 Samuel Faries NC 261.386
15 Chris Turman VA 260.417
16 Adam Stultz NC 259.814
17 Grant Watson NC 259.288
18 Tony Shearin -- 257.622
19 Anthony Shaw VA 253.712
20 Terry Gower -- 252.188
21 Jonathan Reed TN 250.767
22 Jesse Walker NC 249.816
23 Tom Green SC 249.310
24 Tyler Holmes NC 248.482
25 Patrick Seader GA 247.541
26 Zachary Medlin NC 247.186
27 Andrew Huggins NC 245.922
28 John Hutchinson VA 245.425
29 Garrett Tyler NC 245.393
30 Kevin Horsley NC 245.207
31 Kenneth Hux NC 244.964
32 Joshua Thrasher VA 244.898
33 Danny McClellan -- 242.020
34 Scott Bourcier SC 239.410
35 James Wazeter GA 237.805
36 Sean Downey SC 237.623
37 Hilton Motley VA 231.288
38 Palmer Sasscer -- 228.009
39 Michael Manning SC 227.610
40 Kyle Johnson SC 227.203
41 Brian Wellhouse -- 224.343
42 Farron Welborn NC 223.943
43 Jeff Hassell NC 220.135
44 Rob Ormond NC 218.876
45 Adam Blackstone SC 218.589
46 Dylan Hendrix NC 215.304
47 Adi Khindaria NC 214.339
48 Brian M Wilson VA 209.198
49 Heidi Beaumont SC 202.527
50 Vlad Mines -- 201.920
51 David Matula NC 200.093
52 Jeremy Williams NC 199.703
53 Adolphus Jones SC 198.624
54 Alexander Watson SC 191.728
55 john plasky SC 189.725
56 Charles Kuang NC 187.846
57 Jeff Fogleboch VA 187.169
58 Jerrell Powell NC 180.358
59 Patrick Youngs VA 179.920
60 Clarke Cooper NC 177.528
61 Roger Curry SC 175.168
62 Drew Walter VA 172.822
63 david huber VA 172.654
64 Maxwell Kogler NC 172.116
65 Kyle Ponce VA 166.316
66 Joe Boni VA 165.628
67 stephanie knight NC 163.168
68 Pat Moore NC 163.047
69 Stephen Nelson SC 163.002
70 Adam Moses SC 161.613
71 William Jordan SC 161.425
72 Jeff Hart VA 158.545
73 Andrew Walker NC 155.421
74 Donovan Willis VA 147.754
75 Eugene Kazayev SC 145.721
76 Kip McLaughlin VA 144.171
77 Jason Thrasher SC 143.556
78 Kevin Reel SC 134.596
79 Jim Parrington NC 134.156
80 Michael Maron NC 133.234
81 Travis Clarke VA 129.812
82 Brian Johnson CA 124.790
83 Mark Fielding NC 123.615
84 Krystofer Harris -- 117.996
85 JB Eanes NC 115.789
86 Willard Persinger NC 115.244
87 Logan Crisp NC 113.791
88 Jason Yates -- 109.319
89 Joseph Vaughan NC 106.284
90 Matt Barr TN 102.579
91 David Stultz PA 101.818
92 MIKE BURNS VA 100.000
93 Matt Massengill -- 99.049
94 Keith Minard VA 98.651
95 John Alden -- 97.674
96 Keith Lane NC 97.436
97 Derek Stull VA 94.737
98 Jonathan Donley SC 94.122
99 Zev York VA 93.590
100 Waylon Tolbert SC 91.871
101 Matt Sprouse SC 91.837
102 Francisco Perez -- 91.111
103 Nick Bazzone VA 90.476
104 Chris Rounds -- 89.583
105 Christopher Polson SC 88.710
106 Will Rohrig VA 86.842
107 Mathieu Banning -- 86.022
108 Aaron Warner NC 83.333
109 Kurt McBride VA 78.889
110 Zach Wight NC 78.039
111 Riley Stewart VA 76.190
112 Keshawn Jackson VA 74.684
113 Logan Stroud VA 74.444
114 keith "Red" plemons NC 73.548
115 Brian Blevins WV 72.619
116 Neil Agee VA 71.795
117 Charles Witherspoon NC 71.243
118 Derrick Graham VA 71.053
119 Philip Ofrias VA 71.053
120 Joseph Loescher NC 70.886
121 Ethan George WV 70.000
122 Austin Reece -- 68.367
123 Ryan Fish -- 66.667
124 David Trang VA 66.667
125 Thurman Talbott VA 65.789
126 Bryan Lewis VA 64.474
127 Jason Garcia -- 61.746
128 Richard Raburn -- 54.594
129 Joshua Kruger NC 54.430
130 Mike Sexton SC 53.061
131 Stephen McPherson -- 40.845
132 Logan Mahoney -- 39.474
133 John Wise VA 37.778
134 H.D. Woody III VA 35.526
135 Zach Underwood SC 35.484
136 Dale Price VA 33.008
137 Brian Speer NC 31.183
138 Matthew Gifford NC 26.744
139 Calvin Jones SC 25.806
140 Lee Jones VA 23.684
141 Tim Potter -- 22.449
142 Todd Parks -- 22.078
143 Michael Hargrove SC 20.408
144 Stephen Rogers -- 9.524
145 Jon Dubrick MD 5.556
146 Don Bryson SC 2.222
1 Jonathan Gurley NC 295.946
2 Andrew Huggins NC 282.857
3 Robert Brantley LA 200.000
4 Kyle Ponce VA 198.305
5 Jeff Hart VA 176.062
6 Donovan Willis VA 160.852
7 Riley Stewart VA 100.000
8 William Jordan SC 98.182
9 Travis Pomp NC 93.243
10 Logan Stroud VA 82.716
11 Stephen Nelson SC 63.750
12 Stephen McPherson -- 45.974
13 Todd Parks -- 24.638
1 Farron Welborn NC 283.117
2 david huber VA 267.832
3 Brian Johnson CA 237.740
4 Eugene Kazayev SC 204.832
5 Clarke Cooper NC 203.232
6 David Stultz PA 195.000
7 Logan Crisp NC 194.000
8 Michael Maron NC 193.622
9 Kip McLaughlin VA 182.759
10 Matt Massengill -- 140.130
11 Joseph Vaughan NC 134.464
12 Jason Yates -- 131.670
13 Christopher Polson SC 121.777
14 Garrett Tyler NC 86.747
15 Thurman Talbott VA 86.207
16 Joshua Kruger NC 67.188
17 Jon Dubrick MD 11.364
1 Terry Gower -- 300.000
2 Vlad Mines -- 188.525
3 Jason Thrasher SC 152.639
4 keith "Red" plemons NC 106.665
5 William Jordan SC 65.306
6 Logan Mahoney -- 48.387
7 Stephen Rogers -- 12.500
8 Don Bryson SC 2.500
1 Heidi Beaumont SC 202.527
2 stephanie knight NC 163.168
1 Tommy Tinsley MS 288.173
2 Jeff Dennison NC 268.626
3 Tom Green SC 249.310
4 Danny McClellan -- 242.020
5 Palmer Sasscer -- 228.009
6 Michael Manning SC 227.610
7 Rob Ormond NC 218.876
8 Heidi Beaumont SC 202.527
9 Jeff Fogleboch VA 187.169
10 Clarke Cooper NC 177.528
11 david huber VA 172.654
12 stephanie knight NC 163.168
13 Pat Moore NC 163.047
14 William Jordan SC 161.425
15 Jim Parrington NC 134.156
16 Michael Maron NC 133.234
17 JB Eanes NC 115.789
18 Joseph Vaughan NC 106.284
19 David Stultz PA 101.818
20 Keith Minard VA 98.651
21 keith "Red" plemons NC 73.548
22 Richard Raburn -- 54.594
23 Mike Sexton SC 53.061
24 Stephen McPherson -- 40.845
25 John Wise VA 37.778
26 H.D. Woody III VA 35.526
27 Dale Price VA 33.008
28 Calvin Jones SC 25.806
29 Tim Potter -- 22.449
30 Jon Dubrick MD 5.556
31 Don Bryson SC 2.222
1 Dylan Hendrix NC 215.304
2 Logan Crisp NC 113.791
1 Zack L NC 289.610
2 Peter Laurvick NC 274.839
3 Terry Gower -- 252.188
4 Jonathan Reed TN 250.767
5 Jesse Walker NC 249.816
6 Sean Downey SC 237.623
7 Jeff Hart VA 158.545
8 Brian Johnson CA 124.790
9 Keith Lane NC 97.436
10 Nick Bazzone VA 90.476
11 Kurt McBride VA 78.889
12 Riley Stewart VA 76.190
13 Logan Stroud VA 74.444


The Precision Rifle Series Regional Series is formed by precision rifle competitors and match directors to organize, structure and support the national precision rifle regional level community. The objective is quite simple, create an organizational structure and a series where shooters and clubs can compete within their regions. The national level series is well established, for many shooters the time, travel and costs can discourage active participation in large two day style matches. The PRS Regional Series addresses these concerns that exclude many shooters who want to routinely join us on the firing line.